It’s 2023 - Do You Know Where Your Blogs Are?

If you don't yet have blogs on your website, this article is for you. Read on to understand why your business needs blogs today.

Trina Thomason

6/13/20233 min read

Businesses with successful websites understand the value of having your website appear on the first page of a Google search. How can your business get found amongst the sea of literally 1.3 billion websites on the world wide web?

How Blogs Help Websites Rank on Google Searches 

So what does a blog have to do with a business ranking on Google? Google has a sophisticated, ever-changing algorithm for ranking websites. When you type into the Google search bar, you become Google's customer. Their goal is to provide you with the websites that are most relevant to the text you entered into the search bar. Google states that their “…algorithms assess if a page contains other relevant content beyond the keyword [you entered]..such as pictures…, videos, or even a list.” Additionally, their goal is to “…achieve the right balance of information relevance and authoritativeness to maintain your trust in the results you see” and "better ensure people see original, helpful content written by people, for people, in search results…” ("By people", not AI - but that's a different blog!)

Content is King in 2023!!! Not only is it true for Google. It’s also true for your potential customers. If I search 5 websites in an attempt to find a reputable esthetician and one website has a dozen articles on the subject, I’m calling that business before I call the businesses that don’t provide any articles on their so-called expertise. 

Perhaps your business relies on referrals, word of mouth testimonies from real clients and you feel this has brought you success thus far. That may be true, but how much more successful could you be if you could be found on Google? Could you expand your business? Introduce new services? Open new locations? Grow your staff? Increase your revenue?

So, it’s 2023; where are your blogs? I’m holding them hostage! But you may say:

  • I’m an esthetician, you don’t understand what I do. 

  • I’m a mechanic, you’ve never worked in this field. 

  • I’m a health coach, you’re not trained to speak my language. 

  • My process is unique and complicated and hard to explain.

Write Mind Writers produces blogs and standard operating procedures for a variety of businesses in diverse industries. It’s what we do, it’s what we love. 

You love your profession; it’s your expertise. We love writing; it’s our expertise. What we don’t know, we research. But our best resource is you. We make the effort to get to know you, so that your blogs can be authentic. 

When people are good at what they do and passionate about it, they have a wealth of information that they are excited to share with the world. Get in touch. Let’s share your passion with the world through blogs. 

Need standard operating procedures to help your business expand and to keep your employees from reinventing the wheel? Let’s chat. 

Blogs attract potential customers
Blogs attract potential customers

Not having blogs in 2023 is like not having change in your cash register in 1983. Today's youth may not get it but kids and adults who once walked around with dollars totally feel me.

Cash was King in the ’80s!!! You didn’t go online to make purchases. You’d go to the Dollar Store, buy a bunch of stuff, and the cashier would ring you up. The next thing you did was not whip out your debit card. You whipped out cold hard cash. Maybe you had the exact amount, but likely you didn’t, so the cashier needed to have change available in every denomination. It was a necessity.

In 2023, when everyone is trying to establish their presence online, blogs are a necessity. This article will discuss what blogs are and how they demonstrate that your organization or small business is bringing its A-game every day.

What is a blog?

Blogs are the articles that come across your newsfeed on your Apple or Android phone - the MSN, CNN, and other articles that monopolize our time. You’re reading a blog right now! A blog about blogs!

Technical definition: a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Likely you read blogs every day. Businesses typically include a blog section on their website that includes articles in their realm of expertise. Once published on their website, these blogs can become accessible online. It is the business owner’s goal that when you type in a search on Google, you will run across one of their articles and end up on their website. Boom: Prospective Customer.