Our Services


Did you know you could have a full suite of Standard Operating Procedures specific to your business within four (4) months by investing less than 2 hours each week? Utilize our team's writing expertise, combined with our project management and Lean Six Sigma training to jumpstart your documentation.

Grow your business, expand franchises, maintain compliance, and shorten the employee learning curve.

One company stated, "You helped us get all of our documentation in one place. Now employees know where to go to understand processes without asking someone else."

Our SOP packages are very competitive, and not many writers do what we do. Let's review your present state and the path forward to develop a full SOP suite for your team.

Website Content

If your website is not on the first page of a Google search, customers won't be able to find you. In addition to helping your website rank high in search algorithms, frequent, well-written blogs position you as an expert in your field.

Our blog services have demonstrated success. After only three months, one client stated, "I can already see the difference. Our webpage is rising to the top of page 1 on Google searches."

Pricing is heavily dependent upon frequency, complexity, and subject matter. Contact us for blog package pricing.


Our elegant, two-page professional resumes will position you as the candidate of choice. Beat the bots with our ATS-compliant resumes and modern templates that look fantastic and read even better.

One client stated, "Your resume got me a $40,000 raise!"

Need 7 other reasons to pay for professional resume services? Check out the article, "Invest in Your Future: Compelling Reasons to Pay for Professional Resume Services."

You can purchase items a la carte or receive an instant $65 discount by taking advantage of pre-bundled packages.

Click here to see the full Job Services Price List.

We also enjoy creative writing! Need to request a poem or personalized greeting card? Visit our creative site.